Missouri Greens Contribute to CLEAN Missouri Success
Last August, members voted during the state convention to gather signatures for CLEAN Missouri. 206,992 signatures — representing ALL 115 Missouri counties were submitted in Jefferson City. That is more than enough to get CLEAN Missouri on the ballot in November.
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State Platform: Economic Plank
At our April 7th, 2018 meeting our membership approved the new Economic Plank of our State Platform! Thanks to Platform Committee Chair Kat Logan-Smith and the rest of the committee for your hard work on this plank.
Our platform is our most important document that lays our vision for the future and focuses our political efforts. So the Platform Committee is taking their time to thoughtfully develop the other planks. They need your help researching, writing, discussing these issues.
If you are interested in joining this crucial effort, please volunteer now!
March Against Monsanto, 5/26/18
Are you ready for the March Against Monsanto at 1 pm Saturday, May 26, 2018?
The Green Party of St. Louis is organizing the march, continuing its 20+ year role in leading opposition to Monsanto's chemical and biological contamination.
This year is different, though.
The looming merger between Bayer and Monsanto threatens a quantum leap in monopolization of seeds, reduction of biodiversity, and throwing small farmers off of the land across the world.
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State Spring Meeting 2018
Missouri Green Party members from all over the state, representing all five of our chapters, met in Lebanon, MO on April 7th to prepare the party for the mid-term election cycle. Big thanks to all who participated! The members showed incredible discipline, thoughtfulness, creativity, and solidarity during our day-long meeting where you were asked to consider and decide on a variety of issues. Everyone involved did a great service for the rest of the party!
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May Third Film Screening in Columbia
American Empire: An Act of Collective Madness
7 p.m. Columbia City Library 100 W Broadway Columbia, MO 65203
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Green Party Candidate Filing Day March 19th!
Green Party candidates from across the State gather in Jefferson City to file for the August 7th primary.
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First 2018 Green Party Candidate Files To Run For Office!
Congratulations to Conon Gillis, our first candidate to officially file to run for office in 2018. Conon is facing off with a Republican for State Senate in District 32 (Joplin area).
We’ll be announcing more candidates soon! The filing window lasts till March 27. Contact us NOW if you want to be a Green Party candidate!
Saint Louis Candidate Search!
Are you a Green who lives in St. Louis’ Ward 8?
Due to a resignation in Ward 8 of St. Louis City, there will be a special election to fill the Alderperson position.
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Southwest MO Candidate Reveal & Press Conference
For too long candidates have run unchecked and uncontested in Representative and Senate races across Southwest Missouri. Uncontested elections like these don’t even give the illusion of a Democracy like what was envisioned by our country’s founders.
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First Greens Announce 2018 Candidacies!
Two members of our Green Alliance of Southwest Missouri chapter declared their candidacies at a press conference on November 21, 2017. Preston Reynolds is running to be the Carterville City Councilman from Ward 3 and Conon Gillis is running to be the State Senator from District 32. This is a historic event, giving voters in Southwest Missouri the opportunity to vote Green for the first time in these districts!
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