Ballot Access

Our number one priority as a political party is to maintain our right to run corporate-free candidates in Missouri. Click here to read more about our ballot access status. Questions? Contact us here.


It takes special grit to put yourself out there and go head-to-head against the corporate money that has a stranglehold on our democracy. Missouri Green Party candidates have agreed to hold themselves to our high campaign finance standards, not taking money from for-profit corporations or businesses in any way. The folks who run as Green Party candidates represent our party to the public and are on the forefront of our party-building efforts.

Please explore this section to see current candidates and past candidates for the Missouri Green Party or view a complete database of Green Party candidates who have run for office anywhere in the United States since 1985.

Interested in becoming a Missouri Green Party candidate? Click here!


Greens hold elected office all over the United States, in cities large and small, suburban and rural areas, working with the people they represent and other elected officials to enact Green ideas into real policies on the ground. Currently, almost 140 Greens are holding elected office across the nation. While, to date, most elected Greens are working at the municipal and county level and don’t get a lot of publicity, the changes they are making are very real. The Green Party's independence from the capitalist two-parties and their corporate sponsors allows our elected officials to take strong stands for the people they serve. 

We also run hundreds of candidates across the country during each election cycle. These candidates are directly challenging the political power structure and bringing important issues to the table that are too often ignored by the candidates of the major parties. They get our name out in their communities, provide a focus for local Green groups, and attract new people to join the Party. And with the help of people like you who are ready for real change – whether they volunteer, donate, run for office, or simply vote Green - we’ll be electing more and more people to higher and higher offices in the future.

State Elections

In most state elections, candidates must be elected in the summer Primary Election before going to the fall General Election. If there are no Green opponents in the Green primary, then that candidate automatically continues to the General Election to compete against candidates from other parties. 

If more than Green Party member runs for the same office, our Party may decide to endorse one of these candidates before the primary or hold off to see the results of the primary before endorsing for the General Election. If there is not a primary challenger, then our Party may endorse the candidate before the primary.

Special Elections

The Governor calls special elections to fill vacancies when an incumbent steps down or dies. The Secretary of State will send a letter with the election date and filing period to the State Party or the Green Party district committee. The committee nominates the candidate and the candidate files within the deadline. There is no primary election because of this special nomination process. 

Local Elections

Most local (below county level) elections are non-partisan, which means that party labels are not on the ballot. Local races have no primary elections and are on their own cycles. These elections are for offices such as mayor, city council, school district board, water district board, and fire district board. Check your local election board to find more information about these elections. Running for local office can be a great way to get your first taste of campaigning!

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  • Missouri Green Party
    published this page 2017-12-18 09:59:33 -0600