
Missouri Green Party is 100% run by volunteers! We spend most of our efforts in our own communities, building the experience and credibility that makes us a realistic option come election time. This Green synergy between issue-based activism and running candidates for elected office is unique to the Green Party, and a big part of Green Party growth in Missouri and around the world as an international political movement. The Green Party offers not just the chance to advocate for the change we need, but to enact, govern, and be the change we need!

Select an area below for more information or to renew your annual membership dues:

At-Large Kansas City Saint Louis Mid-Missouri Joplin Springfield

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Want to help grow your own local chapter of the Missouri Green Party? Click here for more info!

Missouri Green Party Membership

The state of Missouri has open primaries and no party registration. However, membership with Missouri Green Party helps support our mission to put People, Planet, and Peace Over Profit and gets you connected at the local, grassroots level. With a Missouri Green Party membership, you can have a say in the direction of the Green Party as well as help sustain our organization as an independent, political force for the greater good since we never take money from corporate interests. You can read more about our members’ rights and responsibilities in our bylaws. Join us here:

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