Together, we can grow grassroots democracy in Missouri.
It's not difficult to start a new local chapter, but it does require organization, consistency, and belief in Green Party values. The Missouri Green Party is 100% run by volunteers and it takes all of us to grow grassroots democracy here in our communities and around the world. The Green Party is the only corporate-free, ecosocialist international political movement fighting to put People, Planet, and Peace Over Profit. Our strength comes from our grassroots model of local chapters comprised of volunteers stepping up for their communities and leading a path toward a just and sustainable future for all. Ready to start a new Green Party chapter in your area? Read on!
Part One: Get Started
Contact Us
Click here to contact the Missouri Green Party State Coordinating Committee or email [email protected] to let us know that you are interested in starting a local chapter in your area. We can provide you with advice, contacts of other Greens in your area, sample chapter documents, and other valuable resources to help you grow your local chapter. A Missouri Green Party organizer will be available through the process to answer questions and provide any needed support.
Part Two: Get Organized
Host Meeting(s)
Host a chapter formation meeting with three or more people from your local area who want to start a new chapter of the Missouri Green Party. Ideally, it is be best to have chapters formed at the county level, but depending on the size of your area, you may want to form a chapter with Greens from several neighboring counties. For example, the Green Party of Kansas City Missouri chapter is based in the Kansas City, MO area, but organizes across multiple counties that intersect with the area.
Consider who you want to invite to the meeting and how. For example, you could require an RSVP or have attendees by invitation only. You could share a public invitation on social media or network with other groups who may be interested in attending the chapter formation meeting. Keep in mind, you want to ensure attendees will be committed to and focused on establishing a new Green Party chapter.
Also, you may want to schedule multiple meetings to break up the tasks that need to be done to form a new chapter.
Don’t forget to record the meeting minutes!
Establish Chapter Membership and Officers
One of your primary goals at the first chapter meeting is to establish chapter members and officers. This means making sure that everyone has filled out the Missouri Green Party Membership Application and paid their first year’s dues.
Next, your group will want to determine your chapter officers. Other than the minimum requirement of three members, the Missouri Green Party requires all chapters to identify a local Chapter Representative. The Chapter Representative serves as a voting member of the Missouri Green Party State Coordinating Committee. Their role is to serve as a conduit between the chapter and state party by communicating and representing chapter concerns, voting on behalf of the chapter, participating in the decision-making of the MOGP State Coordinating Committee, and assisting the MOGP State Coordinating Committee conduct its official business and duties. In addition to the Chapter Representative position, we strongly encourage all chapters to fill the following officer positions: two gender-diverse Co-Coordinators, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Elections Coordinator, an Outreach Coordinator, and a Membership Coordinator. See the Green Party of Kansas City Missouri Organization Structure as an example.
Draft Founding Documents
Create the Articles of Association and Bylaws for your chapter. Again, you may want to hold a separate meeting to work on drafting the bylaws. See the Kansas City chapter’s Articles of Association and Bylaws for an example. Contact us for more examples and suggestions.
Schedule Next Meeting(s)
Before you adjourn your first chapter meeting, be sure to schedule a regular meeting time and location for your chapter meetings. We recommend your chapter meet at least once a month.
Part Three: Get Official
Submit Chapter Documentation
The following documentation must be submitted to the Missouri Green Party State Coordinating Committee to be considered for approval to form a new local chapter:
- Letter of intent to be a local chapter of the Missouri Green Party
- List of chapter officers and their contact information
- List of all chapter members and their membership start date
- Articles of Association
- Bylaws
- Minutes that include the date, location, and attendance information for the first chapter meeting where the founding documents were adopted
Receive Approval from Missouri Green Party
The Missouri Green Party State Coordinating Committee reviews the new chapter documentation and makes a decision on whether to approve the group as an official chapter. The State Coordinating Committee will respond to let you know their decision. The official decision can also be made by Missouri Green Party members at a statewide meeting or convention.
Part Four: Get Support
As your new chapter continues to grow, remember that the Missouri Green Party is here to support you every step of the way and that all official chapters have access to the following resources:
- A dedicated space on the MOGP website for your local chapter’s information or a link to your local chapter’s website from the MOGP website.
- A seat on the State Coordinating Committee that sets policy within the Missouri Green Party.
- Access to your area’s contact list from the MOGP database and possibly GPUS database.
- Advice from veteran Greens on policy ideas, strategy, and organizational tactics.
- Integrated dues sharing and online registration. (Remember, local chapters pay $10 per member in annual dues to the Missouri Green Party.)
- Technical support and training.
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