Are you ready for the March Against Monsanto at 1 pm Saturday, May 26, 2018?
The Green Party of St. Louis is organizing the march, continuing its 20+ year role in leading opposition to Monsanto's chemical and biological contamination.
This year is different, though.
The looming merger between Bayer and Monsanto threatens a quantum leap in monopolization of seeds, reduction of biodiversity, and throwing small farmers off of the land across the world.
Previous Marches Against Monsanto have attracted hundreds from Missouri and throughout the US.
We need to get the message out that the Green Party is playing a leading role in pulling together opposition of Missourians to Monsanto, one of the most despised corporations in the world.
We need to remind everyone that its partner Bayer is the corporate descendant of those who manufactured death camp gas for the Nazis.
So, if you are coming from a Green Party local which has a banner, please bring it.
If you have a Green Party t-shirt, please wear it.
The Green Party of St. Louis will be selling monarch butterfly signs reading “Roundup is poisonous for children and other living things.” [see above]
Yard signs are made of the same durable material as campaign signs and will last for years.
Each sign identifies its Green Party origin and was printed in a union shop.
Please let us know if you can come on May 26 and if you would like to order signs.
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