International Workers Day and the Mama's Day Bail Fund

Mark your calendars as Kansas City is throwing a May Day Concert to celebrate International Workers Day and to raise funds for the KC Mama's Day Bail Out Fund! 

When? May 1, 6-11pm.


Where? Revolution Records Kansas City 1830 Locust St, Kansas City, Missouri 64108


Celebrate May Day with Tyler Gosnell, Ani Mal, Evil Pillows, Cara de Bebe! Featured speakers between sets include radical historian and poet Fred Whitehead, doula and community organizer Reale Justice, prison resister and homeless advocate Keith Brown-El.


You can help raise funds to bail moms out of jail on Mama's Day 2018! 

May Day Concert

Not able to come?

Donate $10, $20 or $50 to the bail fund now: Donate here. 


Reale Justice Network is working with the national Mama's Day Bail Out.  Apply here if you would like us to bail someone out for you .

We plan to bail moms (including trans mamas and queer parents) out from Jackson County jail and then Wyandotte County and then other surrounding counties until funds are depleted. 

Fund managers and bail out team are members of the following organizations: Reale Justice Network, KC DSA, Green Party of Kansas City, MO, Food Not Bombs, Solidarity!, IWW. Funds that are recovered when the moms show up for court and any unclaimed funds will be donated to the Community Bail Fund managed by Greater Kansas City IWW General Defense Committee Local 15.

This event is hosted by the KC Grassroots Network, RJN/ Reale Justice Network, Kansas City Iww, Kansas City Food Not Bombs, KC Democratic Socialists of America and the Green Party of Kansas City, Missouri.


L​earn more about the May Day Concert here.


The more funds raised, the more Mamas we are able to bail out - YOU can make a huge difference. Please donate $10, $20 or $50 to the bail fund now: Donate  now!

What is the Mother's Day Bailout? Here is a great overview from National Bail Out​:

"National Mama’s Bail Out Day will give incarcerated mothers an opportunity to spend Mother’s Day with their families and build community through gatherings that highlight the impact of inhumane and destructive bail practices on our communities!

We will bail out mama’s in all of our varieties. Queer, trans, young, elder, and immigrant.

Why? The impact of money bail on our Mamas...

Everyday an average of 700,000 people are condemned to cages and separated from their families simply because they can not afford to pay bail. Since 1980 the number of incarcerated women has grown by 700%. Black women and Trans women are especially vulnerable to incarcerated. Black women are twice as likely as their white counterparts to be jailed. One in five transgender women have spent time in prison or jail and one in three of them reported being sexually assaulted while there."


Donate  now!



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