Be it resolved that the Heart of America Missouri Green Party votes to endorse New Approach Missouri’s (NAM) cannabis ballot initiative petition which will allow the people to vote to amend the Missouri State Constitution to:
allow patients the right to access medical marijuana for a wide range of medical conditions
create patient access to medical marijuana
develop a system for taxation and reporting
provide patient, caregiver, and provider protections from criminal or civil sanctions
effective December 6th, 2018.
This initiative is in accordance with the Green Party platform approved by the National Committee in August 2016. Whereby the Greens call for an end to the “war on drugs,” legalization of drugs, and for treating drug abuse as a public health issue; specifically by legalizing possession, sale, and cultivation of cannabis. We recognize that the New Approach Missouri initiative does not fulfill the platform mission but it is aligned with the values of the Party and reflects the platform’s desire to “create a step-by-step program for decriminalizing all drugs in the U.S.” With this endorsement we recognize the hard work being put forth by NAM, and cannabis organizations and activists in Missouri, to make strides towards legalization of cannabis.
Be it resolved that on this day, March 2nd 2017, we vote to endorse New Approach Missouri’s cannabis ballot initiative petition.
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