Mike Diel - U.S. Congressional 6th District

Mike Diel - 2024 Missouri Green Party Candidate for US Congressional 6th District


I’m Mike Diel. I’m an outdoorsman, a business owner, and a retired factory worker. You might say I know a thing or two about getting my hands dirty. And right now, we could use someone who isn’t afraid to get out in the weeds. I’m running for United States Representative for the sixth district of Missouri as a green party candidate. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been frustrated with the options available to you at the ballot at every level of government. That’s why a better system is needed when we’re voting, so that even if our first choice doesn’t win, we still get a say in who gets elected.

And aren’t you tired of insurance companies getting to decide how, and if, you can go to the doctor, and even worse, deciding if your friends live or die? We need a healthcare system that is focused on caring for our health and well-being, and not sacrificing us for their bottom line. And most of all, I’m sick of letting the suits in big cities decide to spoil the natural beauty around us, just so they can make a quick buck. This is our state, and this is our land. We need to be able to protect it from those who just see it as lines on a spreadsheet.

Working long hours in a factory taught me the value of hard work, but it also taught me the strength of working together. You know what’s right. I know what’s right. So let’s do the right thing instead of hedging our bets. Vote for a candidate who actually cares about your cities and your families. As your Representative in Washington, I’ll do everything I can to make that happen. I’ll do what’s right, even if it’s hard and even if it means I have to do it myself. You deserve a better government. You deserve a better Diel.

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  • Tom Urani
    published this page in 2024 Candidates 2024-08-23 17:32:32 -0500