Michael Day - U.S. Congressional 5th District

Michael Day - 2024 Missouri Green Party Candidate for US Congress for MO District 5
I'm not them.
My name is Michael Day, and I'm running as a Green Party candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives 5th district seat. I have worked blue collar jobs my whole life, and I believe I would be a great representative of the 5th district. 
Why am i running? I believe dark money has completely taken over our government, and our officials no longer represent the people that elect them. It's far past time for change.
As a Green candidate, I pledge to never take any corporate money, or sell out the constituents of the district, and I pledge to make Green initiatives paramount to Missouri's business environment.
We cannot continue this unsustainable approach to the environment. I don't have children myself, but I believe that as a citizen, it's on all of us to try our best to recycle and limit our usage of plastic products and fossil fuels. We owe it to future generations. 
I look forward to answering any and all questions that come my way.

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  • Tom Urani
    published this page in 2024 Candidates 2024-09-28 10:40:42 -0500