Membership Renewal | Green Party of Kansas City Missouri
Green Party of Kansas City Missouri chapter members determine their own level of dues based on income or ability to pay and the honor system.
Suggested Dues Rates ($12 is the minimum required):
- $60 a year – annual income under $30K
- $120 a year – annual income $30–$50K
- $180 a year – annual income $50–$100K
- $240 a year – annual income over $100K
Dues Waiver
Please note that if you are 16 or 17 years of age, a non-citizen, or facing financial hardship, then there are no dues required to become a member. If this describes you, please click here for a dues waiver!
Pay Dues Online
Please proceed to the form below!
Pay Dues By Check
Please make checks payable to: "Green Party of Kansas City Missouri"
By federal and state election law, we must ask for your occupation and your employer.
Please include this with your personal check (we cannot accept business checks), and mail to:
PO Box 32873
Kansas City, MO 64171
Thank you for your generosity!