The KC Greens are gathering at Californo's Watch Party event! Join the Green candidates from Kansas City and our Green Party comrades as we watch the results roll in with the coming eco-socialist tide!
Q: Since this is a public Californo's event, how will we find you?
A: Look for the Green t-shirts! RISE! RESIST! REVOLT!
Q: Who all will be there?
A: The Green Party Candidates from Kansas City! You can meet Jo Crain, Maurice Copeland, Nathan Kline, and Val Engholm, as well as other members, supporters, and leadership from the Kansas City chapter of the party.
Q: Is this a Green Party sponsored event?
A: No, this event is put on by Californo's, we're just all meeting there. Since it's public and not specific to one party, it's gonna be interesting!
- November 06, 2018 at 6:00pm – 9pm
4124 Pennsylvania Ave
Kansas City,, MO 64111
United States
Google map and directions
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