Health Plank

[Adopted at the MOGP annual convention on 8/18/18]


The Green goal of a health care program is better health for all Missourians, thus enabling them to realize their fullest human potentials. Government has a duty to act on behalf of people in need and the good of society as a whole by guaranteeing health care for all people. A national health program is needed for health security and the Missouri Green Party endorses a national healthcare program.

Section 1. Universality

All residents of Missouri shall be guaranteed timely access to health services of the highest quality, with equitable distribution of resources within the health care delivery system on the basis of community need. Allocation of health care shall be based on medical need, with no exemption due to pre-existing conditions, nor other discrimination.

Section 2. Health care providers, institutions and services.

Missourians shall have free choice of providers. Providers shall be licensed or certified by their professional governing bodies and shall practice according to their established professional standards of care, including evidence-based alternative therapies. Health care decisions shall be made by patients, relying on consultations with their providers, as they choose.

2a. Prevention.
Prevention saves both money and lives.

i. Primary care providers and specialists shall provide health promotion education, early diagnosis and timely essential treatment, reducing cases of preventable end-stage disease.
ii. Government must be accountable for the health of the population, and therefore is responsible for preventing or correcting situations that threaten the health of the population, such as air and water pollution.

2b. Comprehensive services.
Health services will be comprehensive, including mental health, dental health, vision, hearing, and emergency services as well as prescribed durable medical goods (e.g., crutches) and non-durable medical goods (e.g., insulin syringes).

2c. Women's Health.
Comprehensive Care for women will include access to preventive screenings and accurate information, abortion services by qualified, certified medical professionals, and all safe and effective methods of permanent or temporary birth control.

Section 3. Cost savings and affordability

Research demonstrates that only one fiscally conservative model of universal health care saves money: a publicly funded, single payer program. The cost savings overall in a single payer program are greater than the expense of expanding health care to include everyone. Private health insurance will not be allowed.

3a. Health care trust fund.
Everyone shall pay into one health care trust fund, so that costs are shared. No one may opt out of paying into the program. Monies in a health care trust fund for the universal program will come from a fair, progressive tax, in which economically advantaged taxpayers will pay more, as percent of income, than those who have low incomes. The fund will be not be used for any other purpose except for health services. Responsible stewardship of the trust fund shall require prudent and careful use of the resources necessary to maintain a thriving health system.

3b. Streamlined billing and administration.
With one payer, the health care trust fund, administrative costs shall be low, similar to the 2-3% administrative costs of traditional Medicare. Simplified billing shall be efficient and prompt.

3c. Elimination of copays and deductibles. Copays and deductibles, unnecessary barriers to care, add an extra layer of cost to administration and billing. Therefore the practice of forcing people to pay extra shall be eliminated. 3d. Elimination of bureaucratic means testing. Means testing for eligibility will be terminated.

3e. Prescription medicines. Costs of prescription medicines will be lowered through a group purchasing agreement negotiated between the health care trust fund and manufacturers, such as the one used by the Veterans Administration to rein in costs.

3f. Fair payment to providers.
Payment schedule for services will be negotiated between the health care trust fund and professional organizations, using Medicare reimbursements as a guideline.

3g. Medical research.
The health care trust fund will not be a funding source for medical research. Payment to providers for experimental treatments with no approval from their professional peer organization, nor scientific evidence of efficacy, will be denied.

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