Danielle Elliott - Lt. Governor

Danielle Elliott - 2024 Missouri Green Party Candidate for Lt. Governor for Missouri


I'm at least a 6th generation Missourian who lives in Crystal City in Jefferson county.

I was raised by 2 veterans who taught me the value of thinking critically for myself, and to never push my personal beliefs on others.
I have an AAS degree in Health Information, and work from home as a certified medical coder for a multi state healthcare system.
I've worked fast food, accounting in skilled nursing facilities, and even as a container/truck dispatcher for scrap metal. As a single mother, I know low wages and how frustrating it is to rarely qualify for assistance while barely making ends meet.

I am running for Lieutenant Governor because I want to fully immerse myself in this position to best serve Missouri.

I will expose any corruption in Jefferson City and offer daily reports on what our Missouri Senate and Offices are doing as public servants. The government owes Missouri's citizens complete transparency.

As one of the few candidates who refuses corporate money, I want to make it clear; I can not be bought. I want to be the voice of Missourians. Someone who understands, regardless of my beliefs, my first loyalty is to the people of Missouri, not a political party.
As Lieutenant Governor, I will continue to reach out to all types of communities in our state, so that I can make well informed and educated decisions to represent our people.

Duties of Lieutenant Governor and my personal goals:

Advocacy for the Elderly: There should be personal property tax waivers for the primary residences of our elderly. Our elderly should not face having to leave their homes because personal property taxes have increased, while their incomes have not. I would also re-evaluate Medicaid qualifications, and consider offering government nursing facilities. Also, if we have paid for Medicare and Social Security through our paychecks, why are the elderly having Medicare taken from their Social Security? Medicare Advantage programs need to be re-evaluated. Medicare Advantage is contributing to the closures of rural healthcare facilities.

Housing and Economic Development: People need to know these programs are available. When people utilize these programs, our communities improve.

Tourism: Advertise our Department of Natural Resources websites, as well as their social media presence, to remind people of all the amazing attractions Missouri has to offer. Our parks should never be privatized or sold.

Agriculture: Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations(CAFOs) are a threat to our rural water supplies. Think your wells are safe? Think again. The run offs from industrialized farming include nitrates that can seep into your water supply and cause blue baby syndrome or stomach cancers. Have you tested your well lately? I'm in support of, and would like to increase
locally owned farms, and offer incentives for regenerative, organic and cyclic farming. I'd also like to offer incentives for hemp to be grown and utilized, to replace single use plastics.

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  • Tom Urani
    published this page in 2024 Candidates 2024-08-31 12:13:19 -0500