About Us | Green Party of Kansas City Missouri
Our Values
The Green Party of Kansas City Missouri adheres to the Ten Key Values of the Green Party of the United States. The first four values are the pillars of our party: Grassroots Democracy, Ecological Wisdom, Nonviolence, and Social Justice.
The Green Party is revitalizing our planet and our democracy without the corrupting influence of corporate and PAC money. In Missouri, we achieved ballot access in 2016 so we can run Greens at all levels of government, and we're continuing to build grassroots people power as well. Both capitalist major parties service the rich and Big Business to the detriment of the working class and poor. Because we believe change will come when progressive and radical people's movements decide that movement activism must also include this critical element: building our own political power outside the confines of the capitalist Democratic and Republican parties.
Social transformation in the US has always required both a social movement and a political party that reflects the agenda of the social movement. As the crises in the US continue and grow, the Green Party continues to prioritize building relationships with people engaged in struggles in order to serve as a vehicle for transformation.
This is the dawning of a new era for Green politics in Missouri and just the beginning of what we can accomplish! We are focused on maintaining our statewide ballot access, campaigning up and down the ballot, and challenging entrenched power with other Green chapters across Missouri. The electoral tool we have will be our platform for boosting Green values and bringing attention to the urgent issues of our time.
With the failures of Capitalism enabling a surge of right-wing populism, this country urgently requires the Left to build a working-class party with true populist solutions that work for everyone. Now, more than ever, is the time for Green activists in Missouri to plug in and help build this independent revolutionary party. Join us!
History of the Green Party of Kansas City Missouri
It is with deep gratitude that we honor those who came before us. The Green Party of Kansas City Missouri has been around since 1985 and the original activists helped start many local organizations. Now that we are a recognized political party in the state of Missouri, we are continuing the struggle for an just, sustainable world that puts people, planet and peace over profit.
Local Greens have helped start the following organizations:
KC Food Circle
Food Not Lawns Kansas City
Bridging The Gap
Squash Blossom Food Cooperative
Seed Savers KC
Kansas City Permaculture Education, Extension and research (KCPEER)
Resolution Honoring Kansas City Green Party
Action Pioneers, February 2, 2017 Kansas City Missouri
Whereas the Coming Home to Eat Conference: Creating a Sustainable Regional Food System, was held ten years ago February 2 - 3, 2007 in Kansas City Missouri.
Whereas Key Kansas City Green Party founding members; Ben Kjelshus, Dee Berry, Craig Volland , Marie Smith along with numerous volunteers and sponsoring organizations organized and conducted the Coming Home to Eat Conference through their nonprofit, Heart of America Action Linkage.
Whereas the Coming Home to Eat Conference highlighted the dire reality of massive food insecurity in the Kansas City bioregion.
Whereas the Coming Home to Eat Conference catalyzed Greens to form the Kansas City chapter of Food Not Lawns, an International environmental action group. Food Not lawns KC has conducted over 20 UMKC Communiversity Classes, twice yearly, teaching hundreds of area residents Urban Permaculture design and ecologically sound strategies for replacing lawns and high maintenance landscaping while turning neighborhoods into communities.
Be it resolved that the Kansas City Heart of America Chapter of the Green Party of Missouri honors and thanks Ben, Dee, Marie and Craig for exemplifying Green thought and action at the local level. For putting their energy into creative solutions for food security, environmental and social justice issues in the Kansas City Bio-Region and for leaving an enduring legacy of local action for future generations.
Attested this day, Thursday February 2, 2017 by chapter Co-Coordinators, Valorie Engholm and Steve Mann.
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Petition to get issues on the ballot