Don Fitz for St. Louis County Assessor

Don Fitz is on the Editorial Board of Green Social Thought and is Outreach Coordinator for the Green Party of St. Louis.  Don is on the Board of the University Heights Neighborhood Assoc. and conceptualized and designed the 2015 campaign for Proposition H, which obtained 69% of the vote and protects several historic buildings in University City.  He was the 2016 candidate of the Missouri Green Party for Governor and its 2018 candidate for Missouri State Auditor.

Don Fitz received his Ph.D. in 1974 from the University of Texas at Austin and has published research on social and community psychology in multiple professional journals. Dr. Fitz was a research psychologist for 25 years at St. Louis State Hospital. He has taught Environmental Psychology at Washington University and Fontbonne University in addition to many other psychology courses at colleges and universities in the St. Louis area. Dr. Fitz produced the show Green Time in conjunction with KNLC-TV in the City of St. Louis for over 20 years.


Looking forward and heeding lessons from the flood

Federal disaster aid covers a small portion of damages. We need a better system.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial   26 Aug 2022, p A17

BY DON FITZ a University City resident. Email [email protected]

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